I realize much (internet) time has passed since the MIX'08 conference. But I wanted to bring up some of the things I found interesting after watching the online videos of the keynotes. For those of you not familiar, the MIX conference is Microsoft's web development conference where they show off upcoming technologies and discuss ideas.
The MIX site itself is fairly impressive this year and has videos from virtually the whole conference in addition to the key notes. It's very nice for those who can't really afford to fly out to Las Vegas for a week of geek oriented meetings.
Keynote 1 - for Windows Media Player ... or ... for Quicktime
The IE8 demonstration
The demo is a little technical (aimed at developers) but there were a couple of new features worth noting with obvious consumer benefit:
- (00:37:00) - Ajax integration of the HTML5.0 specs. While that sounds really technical, the primary reason this will benefit consumers is they can more easily tie live events into the browser back buttons and other features.
- (00:38:30) - Connection detection from the browser with DOM storage for offline submissions. In effect this can give a page the ability to detect if you are online or offline and if you submit a form in situations like posting to a blog or whatever, the page will hold that data until a connection is reestablished.
The Silverlight Demonstration
- (01:18:00) - The NBC 2008 Olympic coverage looks like it will be the flagship application for Silverlight 2 features. Seriously when this comes online in time for the summer Olympics it will be like nothing ever done before. Unless you just want to wait for the Olympics (on August 8th) then check out this demonstration. It looks seriously impressive.
- (01:41:00) - The Hardrock Memorabilia demonstration site contains images of all the Hardrock memorabilia displays across all the stores and merges them into a seamless interface. It uses the Deep Zoom technology from Microsoft's experimental SeaDragon project with high resolution photos and the ability to zoom into or out of the image without a noticeable wait or page change. It's really amazing.
Keynote 2 - for Windows Media Player ... or ... for Quicktime
The second keynote doesn't have as much technology demonstrations, but it does contain an interview session with Steve Ballmer that gives an idea of strategies and goals at Microsoft. If you want to get a feel for Steve's personality this is worth the time. It was really cool to see a more informal view of these guys just relaxing and answering questions instead of standing up giving a speech that someone wrote and tweaked.
Overall the MIX'08 conference was a nice little glimpse at what Microsoft plans are for the world of the web and where they plan to push things forward in technology.
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